every single week i get new emails from people all over the world telling me hey hassan thank you your videos helped us in building an online business your videos made me make my first hundred dollars online and so on believe me these emails makes me so happy as my videos and my content is helping a lot of people all over the world i hope that you'll be the next one sending me an email telling me about your success story after you watch this video today in this video i will show you step by step how you can reach at least at least 200 to 500 per month working from home two to three hours a day even from your mobile phone sorry from your mobile phone this is for my daughter sarah anyway what's nice about this video also it's totally free you can start for free without any investment and you don't need a website so this fits maybe everyone on this planet stay tuned what is covered in this video obviously number one is the step-by-step guide number two is how to get paid and make more money and turn this into a full online business working from home it's like a full course compressed in this couple of minutes so please don't miss any single seconds i will share with you a lot of tips tricks that will help you be successful and will help you to send me an email in a couple of weeks telling me about your success story so what is the strategy for today simply it's about getting a link a url then promoting this url and whenever someone signs up through your link you'll earn between 65 and 100 dollars do you believe this per sign up so so please don't tell me you can't get two or three sign ups per month if you are working two or three hours a day following the strategy i will show you now step by step you don't have any excuse just watch the video a couple of minutes start applying start working and you will see the results this video is not for lazy people i'm not here to share with you some scammy information like 80 percent of other youtube videos you know here on my channel i share only things that i tested i experienced real work real online business that would help you make real money and build real business online so step number one is to get the link that we want to promote i will open my web browser and go to a website called bluehost. com maybe maybe if you are following me on my channel i talked about this website before bluehost and maybe you already know about it it's it's one of the top web hosting services online if you go here down you will see something called affiliates or here on the top menu we have the affiliates section so you can sign up to be an affiliate for this company what is an affiliate it's simply someone who promotes this service and you will earn a commission per sign up you can see here you'll earn 65 dollars for each qualified sign up what you will do now before you click on sign up you will go here and open a new tab and go to medium. com what is medium.
com it's simply a website that allows you to create a blog inside it so as i told you you don't need a website you will go to medium. com and simply just sign up through your gmail account i don't want to waste time now by far by signing up and so on it's super simple just sign up and then after you sign up if you click here on your account you will see you will have this domain this website this blog is for you built on medium in my case it's h-educate. medium. com and they have some articles on this website so this is your website your free website you don't need to think about any other stuff like hosting website and so on this is your blog it's an empty blog for you now don't worry just copy this url copy it go here back and click on sign up super simple you just need to fill your information account username password whatever and here in the prime url just paste the medium blog super simple it will ask you for your url paste the medium blog url super easy now in the payment information you need a paypal email address to get paid don't worry if you don't have paypal just stick with me i will share with you how you can get paid what are the alternatives just focus now and forget about how to get paid focus on earning money from this service after you fill the information simply accept terms and sign up now i will log into my account because i'm already a partner so i will say bluehost hosting partner and here is my account you see this month i have around 200 dolars so you can see i have here 692 clicks with two sign ups by the way this these numbers means a lot and you have to focus very well with me because i will share with you the importance of such numbers why i have to sign ups out of 600 what you have to expect and so on so please follow up and focus very well with me i have a lot of important tips i want to share with you in this mini course so you signed up as i told you we need to get the link simply go here to links and you will see we have this link which which will be your link so you can use it to promote so just copy this link copy link address i will open now notepad i would paste the link so this says the first step we got the link i chose bluehost because simply you know you don't need verification anyone can apply it's a great option for beginners anyone will be accepted so you can get the link directly without any difficult validations like other affiliate programs who requires traffic specific websites content and much more anyone can sign up so go now and sign up to bluehost and get the affiliate link we finished step one super easy step number two is to promote the affiliate link and this is the most important work and this is what you are going to do every single day for two three hours a day so your work will be in promoting this link and getting clicks and sign ups this is your main work every single day so let's put the eyeglasses because here is the important work so we got the link how to promote it how to get the traffic that was a small node before we continue here on my channel i talked a lot about getting traffic and promoting affiliate links for free and with paid ads and much more you can check my full videos in the affiliate marketing case studies playlist and affiliate marketing tutorials playlist you can go and check it but for this video i want to share with you a specific strategy that if you follow up for the next couple of weeks like two or three weeks you will get traffic you will get sign ups so i will share with you only one strategy to focus on what you are going to do is beside medium you have to go to quora.